Municipal Court

Judge: Honorable Wayne 'Chip' Alexander

Town Prosecutor: Honorable Larry Madison

Court Director, Court Clerk/Magistrate: Honorable Dawn Estes

 Assistant Court Clerk/Magistrate: Honorable Jill Walling

Magistrate: Honorable Danielle Hayes

The Falkville Municipal Court has jurisdiction over misdemeanor traffic cases, misdemeanor criminal cases and violations of municipal ordinances that occur in the town limits or the Police Jurisdiction of the Town of Falkville.

The legal authority to bring cases in the Falkville Municipal Court is the Code of Alabama mainly Title 32 (traffic) and Title 13A (criminal), as adopted by town ordinance. The adopting ordinances and code sections as well as other ordinances and code sections, enforced in the Municipal Code Book.

You have the legal right to contest any charge and have a trial before the court. Falkville Municipal Court is held once a month on the third Monday at 4:00 p.m.

We do not accept personal checks. We accept cash, money orders, certified checks or you may use debit or credit cards to make payments. 

Visit or use number: 256-784-5922.

If you are charged with an offense that can be handled without appearing in court, payment must be made before your court date. Call 256.784.5922 for further information.

It is your responsibility to ensure that payments are made in sufficient time to meet required deadlines, or late fees, warrant fees and loss of your driver's license may apply.

Mailing Address:

Falkville Municipal Court

P.O. Box 407

Falkville, AL 35622

Schedule of Fines/Costs

Defensive Driving School